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call back 意味

"call back"の例文


  • {名} : <→CALLBACK>
  • call     1call n. 呼び声; 点呼; 合図; 召集; 神のお召し; 魅力; 訪問; 電話をかけること, 通話; 要求, 必要; 需要; 〔商業〕 当座貸付,
  • back     1back n. 背; 背骨; 背面, 裏面; 裏手; (心の)底; 真相; 手の甲. 【動詞+】 The cat arched its
  • call back to    ~の呼び声に答える
  • call-back    call-back コールバック
  • to call back    to call back 呼び返す よびかえす 呼び戻す よびもどす
  • call back at one's convenience    都合{つごう}のいい時に折り返し電話する
  • call back from a layoff    一時解雇{いちじ かいこ}を取り消される
  • call back later    後ほど[後から]電話{でんわ}をかけ直す
  • call back on a land line    固定電話{こてい でんわ}からかけ直す
  • call someone back and explain    折り返し(人)に電話連絡{でんわ れんらく}して事情{じじょう}を説明{せつめい}する
  • call someone back in the room    (人)を部屋{へや}に呼び戻す
  • call someone back to life    (人)をよみがえらせる
  • call someone back to tell    ~を伝えるために(人)にもう一度電話{いちど でんわ}する[電話{でんわ}をかけ直す]
  • have time to call back    電話{でんわ}をかけ直す暇がある[時間{じかん}がある]
  • call back the medical teams from    医療{いりょう}団[班?チーム]を~から呼び戻す


  • abed said that i should call back in a few weeks
    2、3週間後 もう一度電話してくれと言われ
  • madam president , should we call back the hovercraft ?
  • kurston , it went well . give me a call back ..
    カルストン 上手くいった 連絡をくれ
  • i'm guessing he'll call back soon and tell me .
  • and when she does get me , i tell her not to call back .
    電話しないように 電話したんだよ
  • we called reilly . he didn't call back .
    ライリーに電話したが 奴は かけなおしてこなかった
  • oh i'm sorry . so long to call back later .
    ああ すまん。 じゃあ また後で電話する。
  • he said he'd call back in an hour , once the family's safe .
  • hello , mode magazine . you'll have to call back .
  • i'm waiting on the attorney general to call back .
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • recall knowledge from memory; have a recollection; "I can''t remember saying any such thing"; "I can''t think what her last name was"; "can you remember her phone number?"; "Do you remember that he once loved you?"; "call up memories"
    Synonyms: remember, retrieve, recall, call up, recollect, think,

  • summon to return; "The ambassador was recalled to his country"; "The company called back many of the workers it had laid off during the recession"
    Synonyms: recall,

  • return or repeat a telephone call; "I am busy right now--can you call back in an hour?"; "She left a message but the contractor never called back"

  • cause to be returned; "recall the defective auto tires"; "The manufacturer tried to call back the spoilt yoghurt"
    Synonyms: recall, call in, withdraw,

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